Professional model railway designers and builders are common today -

but when we started in 1979 we were unique!  deWe are . . .rs.


& we can build your Model Railway for you! ! !

Enter for Professional model railway 
designers, makers and builders.

Pop in and look at our model railways.  Seeing is believing...










A brief history of COUNTRYSIDE MODELS; the professional model railway builders

indent If you want to see the main web site you have just missed the link! Just click on the text or logo above. The rest of this page is an attempt to conform to changes in the way search engines find this site. Put simply, people looking for my services might use four or five additions to the words "model railways" or "railway modeller" to find me; prefixes such as "professional" and "scale" or suffixes like "builder", "maker", "designer" or "manufacturer".  Since there are many ways of combining these words and since leading SEO practitioners suggest such repetition will be treated as "spam" unless the phrases can also be found in "the body" of the text, I have repeasted most of these "tags" below.  Since such repeptition tells you nothing and makes for boring reading I suggest you ignore the rest of this page and click on the logo above which will take you to the main body of the site, the photo gallery, and info about us etc. etc.   Enjoy!
indentWe have been in business as professional railway modellers, professional model railway designers, professional model railway builders or professional model railway makers, call us what you will,  for nearly 35 years.  We have accepted commissions for scale model railways and gained experience in all types of model railways from the toy train set to the public exhibition model railway and as professional railway modellers we work in a wide variety of scales and gauges.  Proprietor Andy McMillan trained at Pendon and worked for the National Model Museum as well as winning over the years a variety of awards, trophies and medals for his model locomotives and artistic skills.  These include, in his pre-professional railway modelling days, a commended and a bronze medal for trains at International Model Reilway Exhibitions at the Alexandra Palace; the model railway equivalent of an Olympic medal and another appearance in a final!  Mind you, that was 30 odd years ago...
indentAs model railway makers, countryside models are good! (Just see our gallery of completed models if you doubt that!)  COUNTRYSIDE MODELS are looked for under such names as model railway, model railways, model railway layout, model railway layouts, scenic models, scenic model railways, scenic railway layouts, scenic model trains, posh train sets, model scenery, finescale model railways, finescale layouts, loft layouts, model railway builder, model railway builder, layout builder, professional model railway builder, COUNTRYSIDE MODELS, countryside models, model railway makers, professional model railway designers, professional model railway manufacturers, railway diorama, railway dioramas, railway diorama makers, professional railway builders, professional model railway builders, scale model railway builders, scale model railway constructors, photographs of model railways, professional, scale, model, railways, trains, railroad, pike, designers, builders, makers, constructors, N gauge, n-gauge, HO, H/O, OO, 00 gauge, O, O gauge, EM, EM gauge, scale4, P4, 7scale, 18.83mm gauge, standard gauge, narrow gauge, countrysidemodels, scale model railway designers, made to order, broad gauge, 7mm, 4mm, 2mm,; This is not to mention mis-spelt words such as proffessional model railway whatever, modle, reailways, modeling, modelers and other howlers.  Others have a particular gauge in mind but they might call it N gauge, Ngauge, Ngage, 9mmgauge, 9mm gauge or 9milgage, for instance.  Then there's HO, H/O, 00, OO, OO gauge or  00 gauge, O, 0, 0 gauge or 0gauge, 7scale, 7 scale, 7mm scale, 7mmscale and 7mil scale, not to mention  O guage and O guage.  Then there's EM, EM gauge, 18mm, 18mil, 18mm gauge etc, scale4, scale 4, P 4, P4, 18.83mm gauge, narrow gauge, standard gauge or broad gauge. They might also look for the words made to order, 2mm, 4mm, 7mm, and of course there must be thousands of other ways that I haven't mentioned of describing a chap who builds model railways for money!
We have been in business accepting commissions for scale model railways since 1979 and have gained experience in all types of model railways from the toy train set (but one you can operate "just like the real thing", unlike most so-called toy train set plans which are generally designed by the companies which sell the train sets to fit as much of their own products as possible into the smallest space!), to the permanent public exhibition model railway, a typical example of which we made for Poole Quay in the 80s and which now has a new lease of life at Compton Acres, just outside Bournemouth. We work in a wide variety of scales and gauges; from Z gauge through N, 3mm, S gauge, O fine, S7, G1 and can work in other scales we've never heard of but one way or another they are all built to order. As it happens, I've never felt it necessary to put so much stuff on the front page before but it seems the search engines have changed the way they search for things and my position on some of them has plummeted of late! However, we'll try this approach in an attempt to help you find us when you want us. Of course, now you have found us I trust you haven't wasted lots of your time reading all this! If you have then my apologies but sometimes you just have to go along with the "Big Boys" and their latest electronic gizmos; after all, they are trying to eliminate spam-merchants to help you find genuine sites and if this is what it takes, so be it!   If you have got this far you will be delighted to learn that the normal part of the site begins here...











Artists in Miniature Landscape

the model railway site where "seeing really is believing"!

indentOwning a good model railway is a genuine delight for a surprising number of people.  For those who do not have one however, simply looking at other people's model railways can be almost as much fun and, since most of our new visitors head straight for our Photo Gallery out of sheer curiosity, we have put it right at the beginning to make it easy for you!
indentOn the other hand, if you do want to know more about us and our services, read on...

indentMost new visitors also have a lot of questions about "Who, What, Where, When and How" - not to mention "How much" !  You can find out whatever you want to know on our Home Pages.   Besides all the usual info about who we are, what we do and what it costs to have us make a model railway for you, there is a lot of other, (sometimes surprising), information there for you too.  Have fun!

 Hot link to our 
 Photo Gallery. . .
Part of Tupdale; a 00 gauge model railway which we completed in 2001. See "Gallery - Tupdale" (click photo above) for lots more photos with "in-depth" captions.

 Hot link to our 
 'Home Pages'. . .
Part of a Public Exhibition layout called "Steam Days", originally at Poole Aquarium, Poole Quay, Poole, Dorset.  It was built by us in 1981.  Techniques have improved since then but it remained an excellent advert for us until it was moved to Compton Acres where, it seems, it just faded away into oblivion...  Shame!

indentA useful corner of this website is our News Page where we feature news-type stuff which we'd like to share with you.  Just click on the link above to open the page and then return here to continue!

indentShould there be anything you want to know that we do not cover in the many pages here on offer you are welcome to e-mail us and we will be pleased to reply.  However, if you would like us to quote you for a layout, please do take the trouble to fill out our questionnaire - if you don't, how can we know precisely what it is you want us to build for you and to what standard?

indentWe hope you enjoy your browse around what we've been doing here at Countryside Models but do give yourself some time; there's a lot to look at! 
indent If you look a little further down you will find some info on when this site was last updated and last - but by no means least - you can click here for a wide variety of links.   (Well, a few you might actually find useful, anyway!)

Last Updated Nov 2106.  New news updates.     

Previous last update: Feb 2016 minor textual updates.  (Still haven't solved the questionnaire issue - yet...)

Current models in hand;-

Work continues on the current model, between stints of also making progress on another model currently in hand. The main project is one Birmingham-based in N, while work is also ongoing for 'charity [was a] quickie' in 00
which remains to be completed.  More in 2017...