One major part of any mid-50's model railway is its
coaching stock. Here we
have three interesting examples of ex-LMS stock in the colourful early BR
"Blood and Custard" livery. This was discontinued in 1956.
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indentThis train's first coach was probably the last clerestory coach in revenue-earning service. An ex-Midland first downrated to a third, it was noted on just such a service in 1955 and withdrawn from service in April 1956. The Brake 1st was a rare vehicle on the LMS but it was used on their best services. The all first is one of the special vehicles built in the 30's for the then-new streamline trains. (Note the air-conditioning trunking along the roof instead of individual ventilators.)
indentBy using the correct rolling stock for your trains they gain individual character. If you just use long trains of similar commercial coaches they all look the same. The subconscious recognizes this so the trains therefore seems less "real" somehow. There are ample kits about so why not make creating the right rolling stock your own contribution to your model railway?